Sunday, January 13, 2008

'Twas the Night before Healesville & Being Faithful

Well, it's the night before I start at Healesville! Tomorrow I drive to the Corps and meet my co-worker and no doubt get stuck into something important!!!

So, what are my thoughts? Well, I'm feeling a bit nervous, and a don't really know what to expect. I caught up with some awesome friends tonight, and we were talking about what we'd be doing this week. I couldn't really answer!!! I'm meeting Pam tomorrow at the hall at 10:00 am, and apart from wanting to hopefully get a key to the house, walk down to see the shop volunteers, and see the Employment Plus workers, that's about it! I think I will rummage through the storerooms at the hall and see what's there! It's going to be a fairly light week I think. Have a meeting planned for Tuesday, and then not much else!

On Wednesday I am running the night activity for the Summer Camp, with 60 kids who are at risk in some form or another. I will probably end up doing some prep for that these next few days.

Today I had my last chance to go to another church's morning service,and went to Croydon Christian Church. I really enjoyed the experience! God did speak to me through the message - it was about faithfulness. I was challenged to remember that God is faithful, and as I start my next step I need to remember that God is faithful, has always been faithful, and will continue to be faithful! I also got some ideas of how to create a good first impression when people attend your church! This church is so outward focussed! They do paper days for people int he community, and regularly run paper sessions for people staying at the Salvos crisis accommodation centre. I was actually a bit ashamed that it's another church running these activities - not because they shouldn't be doing them, but because the Salvo churches in the area don't get involved. That's probably an idea for another time. Anyway, if I get a chance I would probably go back to this faith community.

Anyway, really should get some sleep! So, how has God been faithful in your life this week?

1 comment:

Megan said...

We'll be thinking of you and praying for you this week as you start this new chapter in your life. You are going to do an awesome job.