Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Seeking God's vision

What is it that God is calling The Salvation Army Healesville to be?

That's the question that has been buzzing around in my mind this past week or two. See, I've had lots of time to meet different people in Healesville, and get a bit of a glimpse of what the community is like. Given, it's a very limited understanding, and I know that it will grow and be challenged over time.

However, now I am really wanting to start to get a picture for the future of Healesville Salvos. I've been given some great resources - both by Andy Stanley actually!

We're part of the wider Salvos, so we will be about caring for people, transforming lives, making disciples and reforming society. How this will look in Healesville is what I am seeking.

Some of the questions I am thinking about are:

1. What are the Salvos known for - if someone says "The Salvation Army", what image comes to mind. See, if someone says "Hillsong" then people think music, if someone says "Planetshakers" it's probably music or youth. The Salvos definitely have a "brand" - whether it accurately reflects what happens in Healesville I am not too sure yet. I do know from chatting with a group of year 10 students at Healesville High last week that their understanding is limited of Healesville Salvos, and the wider Salvos for that matter too.

2. What do we do that no one else does? For me, at the moment this centres around our Care n Wear shop. No other churches run a thrift shop. The other two thrift shops in town are by non-church organisations. So, for us, we have to run the shop really well, it's something that is unique to us - and it supports the work of the corps too. Perhaps the shop is something that we can do better than no one else - and its a great way to serve the community, especially those experiencing hardship.

3. What is our preferred future? This is what God wants Healesville to look like. In 3 to 5 years what will the Corps look like, and more importantly, what will the community look like. We exist for the community, not as a club for Salvos to come and meet with each other and be navel-gazers. I so know we have to exist for the community of Healesville.

I also need to be clear about what we won't do - and stick to it (should be fun for me!!).

One thing that we do that is unique to us as well is 'cafe church'. People invite their friends to cafe church! How good is this! I think that cafe church could be further developed and become an important part of the community.

So, there are a few of the thoughts running through my mind at the moment. Needs lots of further prayer and clarification.

Please pray that I would allow time for God to speak to me. This requires me to be intentional to set apart time and be still.

Oh - grab a copy of Saturday's Warcry - it features Healesville!!!

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