We held our first "Cafe Church" for the year today. We ran out of mugs there were so many people present! I also had to find more chairs! Our guests were Noel and Joan Haworth, who I know very well from Mooroolbark. I witnessed them being enrolled as soldiers, and am good friends with their son and his family - great people! The people at Healesville love Joan and Noel! So today was a relatively relaxed day for me - no service to prepare or sermon. I did a 5 minute talk after my installation, but that was it.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.This is a great promise - and one that I will remember well. I had prepared to speak on Matt 28 - the Great Commission...and what does that end with? "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." How great was it that we both chose passages that referred to God being with us - one from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament. God trying to say something I think!
Other exciting stuff today - well, I mowed the back lawn, and am getting some tiling done at the house. Oh the joys of having a whole house to look after, not a two-bedroom unit!
Another exciting week coming up. Learning about risk management, finance, human resources, Red Shield appeal...sounds fun hey!!!
How's the 113 count going you ask?
Sunday's attendance: 28
Community Contacts: 51/113
Connected to Corps: 24/113
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