Thursday, July 31, 2008

Finding the balance

Today was my first day back at work after three weeks holiday. All good things must come to an end. I was really starting to enjoy being on holidays, and getting lots of jobs done that have been neglected.

One of the things I've enjoyed is reading some magazines that had piled up.

An article that caught my attention was titled "Finding the Balance", by Phil White (in Relevant magazine, Issue 32, pp 84-85). It's a list of ten ways to be successful at work and life. There are some great tips, ones I need to follow more.

So, here they are for your benefit, and a reminder to myself - summarized by me.

10 ways to help take a step back and restore healthy balance in our lives:

1. Observe the Sabbath. Pretty self explanatory - even God took a day off to rest!
2. Unplug from technology. That's what the off button on the phone and computer is for!
3. Get a hobby. From gym membership (I need this one!), to a service project, to whitewater rafting.
4. Set and enforce reasonable boundaries. Bosses don't work as much overtime as they say, and university professors didn't study 24/7 when they were in school!
5. Stop procrastinating. Is checking this blog your form of procrastination?
6. Reassess your priorities. Take a log of how much time you really do allocate to your priorities. A log of time might actually reveal your real priorities.
7. Go to counseling. Going to counseling is not a sign of weakness. It may help deal with important concerns.
8. Create a budget. Setting a clear budget will help in you avoiding having to stay at work to get overtime pay to cover expenses.
9. Get perspective. Ask someone to give you an assessment - sometimes we are too close to get a true picture of ourselves.
10. Read the Bible. It has lots of great, wise stuff to say - including about work and priorities - whether you are a Christian or not!

I'm not that great on many of these points - but they have served as a timely reminder for myself as I embark on "Part B" - the next six months at Healesville!

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