Have been pretty flat chat recently. Our electricity supply was upgraded at our shop, so now we can get an air conditioner installed - just in time for winter!!! Good thing it will be reverse cycle so it will work as a heater too. We took the opportunity to bring all our shop volunteers together for a training/information day. The day went well, and it was good to get everyone together in this format. There are a few things that the shop manager and I will need to work through as follow up - but will be great!
Today we celebrate Mother's Day & Pentecost. Difficult to focus on two things, but hopefully something sunk in! We had a great morning tea of scones with jam and cream - fresh scones from Beechworth Bakery!

And as of today Healesville Salvos have gone FAIR TRADE! We use Jasper individual serve instant coffee, Scarborough Fair tea bags - and had a treat with Chocolatier chocolate! It' Fair Trade Fortnight, so it was a good time to make the switch. I'm off to our shop during the week to confiscate all the old tea and coffee!!!
Spent this arvo at Anita & Steve's place. She baked cupcakes after a 4 month hiatus from the kitchen. It's ok, she feels like baking now but might not get as much of a chance in 5 months time...
Oh...search for church pews on eBay and spread the word - we need to sell our pews ASAP!
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