Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Tonight we had a dinner for our Care 'n' Wear Shop volunteers. Seventeen volunteers attended, and enjoyed a great meal at Wattle Seed Cafe.

These volunteers work tirelessly each week sorting clothes and other donated goods and selling in Care 'n' Wear to help resource the Corps - as well as provide an important service to the community. We partner with HICCI in providing clothing as part of their emergency relief program.

Without this team - and there were more people who couldn't make it - financially we wouldn't survive. So an annual meal like this is just one small way we can give back to our volunteers who work so tirelessly.

Well done ladies and gents!

I'm off to McDonald's for breakfast tomorrow with the year 10's I've been working with this past term. Should be fun! And, I've been asked back next semester which is even better.

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