Sunday, June 1, 2008

Is this for real?

I had one of those "Am I dreaming?" moments this afternoon.

We had a great service here this morning. It was lead by Majors Mark & Tracy Bearcroft, and their two children, Matthew and Eleanor. The people here loved them! We will have to get them back again next year. Cafe church is great because the atmosphere is relaxed, people enjoy eating and drinking while the meeting is on, and the message of Jesus is still presented.

I did a kid's spot, reading the story of Jonah and the Whale (or big fish!). One of the boys who attended enjoyed it, and we sang "Jesus Loves Me", to remind us of God's love for us, Jonah, and the people of Nineveh.

After the meeting I decided to walk into town (yep - left my car at home again today, so am keeping on track so far!). I ate a fantastic lunch at Healesville Harvest. This is a great cafe, attached to Healesville Hotel. I was sitting there, in a room packed with tourists enjoying some of the best food around. The atmosphere is really friendly and welcoming. I then walked back to the hall and just soaked in the winter sunshine (not that warm though!), and the myriad of tourists browsing through the shops. I had to think - is this for real - is this where I live and work!?!?

So - God is very good! Life here is very enjoyable. Not without its challenges. Got a new project idea...have to keep praying about it as a few things need to fall into place, but it could meet a need in the community that isn't currently being met. Just have to wait and see what goes! Will pray more about it this week while at officer's fellowship.

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