Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rats, mice, wasps and a cold

There was a bad smell down one end of my house the other week, which I and friends determined was coming from the roof. So, I called the pest control company. Today they came, and removed a large rats nest! There was a dead rat, and two dead mice. They had been dead for a while, so it doesn't exactly explain the smell, however, there could have been a dead rat/mouse in a wall cavity which could have been causing the smell. Never the less, the smell has gone now, and so has the nest!

While they were here, the pest company discovered that I have a large wasp nest out the front of my house! So, they removed it as well. Apparently the wasps were very aggressive, abnormally so. It was a large nest that was actually inside the brick wall of the house. Well, it is gone too now!

My cold, however, is still with me! I'm taking some cold and flu tablets, so my nose isn't running, but I am feeling a bit drained of energy. I've decided not to go to the community dinner tonight. I really don't have the energy and don't want to spread this cold around. Last night I was asleep by 7:30 on the couch, so tonight might be an early night as well!

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