Saturday, March 8, 2008

Healesville makes a splash internationally...!

Well, after our appearance in Warcry the other week, Healesville has continued to feature in the media...this time internationally!!!

I subscribe to lots of blogs (over 70 now) form heaps of church leaders, para-church ministries, friends etc. One is the "Church Marketing Sucks" blog. They have a flickr group where different people upload church promotions they are working on for peer review. Each week, four or so entries get selected to be featured on the CMS blog.

Yep - I submitted one and it got selected on the blog this week! You can look at the logo (which I posted on this blog too!) and people's comments here.

Pretty cool! Who would have thought a small community would become known around the world (or at least for the couple of thousand CMS blog readers!).

We had our first Corps Council for 2008 during the week. There are some great plans underway, some of which include:
- community meal connecting people in Healesville
- UFO craft group (un-finished objects)
- bible study
- weekly prayer meeting
- and more but its too early to share yet!

We are about caring for people, transforming lives, making disciples, and reforming society. These new mission initiatives will be steps to help people connect with Jesus and help achieve our mission intentions. The vision is still formulating, but so far it revolves around Healesville for God!! Pray for the vision to become clear so that we do the right things.

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