I am about to start something that I have never done before, and I am not without hesitation!!! In just under two weeks I start at Healesville Salvos at the Corps Officer - how did that happen! Well, that's perhaps the subject of another blog post. I am excited as well as scared. My focus will be on commencing new children and youth ministry initiatives, and serving the community of 7000 people. I want to work with all of the Salvos's service providers in the area, including Employment Plus, EastCare, and of course the Corps "Care & Wear" shop and the people of the Corps. So, am I crazy - a little! But there is one thing I know - without God's help there is no way I can do this! It's a bit of a test for me learning to rely on God.
So why blog again? Well, it's basically to have a spot where I can write down my experiences and thoughts, providing a bit of processing space for me. It also means that others can hear what I am up to, but I am mainly doing this for me as a record of my journey in Healesville. I hope to update fairly regularly, as different things occur and I meet new people and experience new things.

On another note, completely different, I went to the outdoor cinema at Belgrave Cameo last night and saw The Darjeeling Limited. It is quite a quirky movie! It stars Owen Wilson - and I didn't see Ben Stiller in it anywhere! It's definitely an art house movie - which kind of suited the surroundings. We watched the movie on deck chairs on the lawn! I recommend this cinema experience to everyone!
Well, that's all for this first official post!
Hi Graeme... thanks for sharing part of your journey with us. I wait with interest to read more about your adventures :) it will certainly be a lot different to what you are used to, but God will use you in amazing ways as you work within the community and build relationships over time.
I look forward to keeping up to date with what is happening.
Just as God promised to be with Moses & Joshua, so He promises to be with you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. I am confident that you are stepping into God's will for you at this time. I'm excited about all that God is going to do through you. God is using you in a wonderful way to advance His Kingdom. May you have blessings abundant as you again step out of your comfort zone to serve the Great Creator and Living God.
Be assured of my continual prayers! You're an inspiration!
All of God's blessings!!
Hi Graeme,
your amazing work with the youth at Mooroolbark should encourage you to continue this work in Healesville. Allowing God's will to direct you and work through you will impact on the community in H'ville, we will miss you at Mbark but will continue our prayers for you and your ministry at H'ville, it is the road less travelled for sure!! Look forward to our catch ups at network meetings and my fortnightly outreach. xx guess who xx
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