Read about this initiative in Relevant magazine this morning - it's called the Junky Car Club (www.junkycarclub.com).
The Junky Car Club is a community of people who are happy drivers that are politely rebelling against consumerism. They think life is a lot better when you spend your dough on others and not on some pimped out ride!
This is a cool initiative - and Junky Car Club members sponsor children through Compassion.
Now, I am ineligible to join this club thanks to my current wheels. However, it's got me thinking, what if I decided to go back to having my own car - something like my old Corolla would certainly use a lot less petrol - it cost me $100 to fill up the tank the other day, and that usually only lasts me a week or 8 days at the most. I either need to change my driving habits, or drive less.
In fact, my house in Healesville is only a very short distance from the Corps, which is only a short distance from the centre of town. So, here's to 2008 where I drive less and walk more. Perhaps I could start a 'Junky Walking Club'.
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