's true! There were certainly more than 113 people at Badger Weir around lunchtime yesterday! Last year I had the idea of not running a meeting as usual at the hall this past Aussie Day weekend, but going to Badger Weir for a picnic to allow the people to get to know me and Pam more, and for us to get to know the people. Not a new idea, but a good one considering I had been away all week in New Zealand.
Well, being the person in charge I knew I had to be at Badger Weir early to get some good tables for the picnic. I thought 10:30 am would be plenty early enough (I'd advertised 11:30 for the people to arrive). would have been, if there wasn't a Greek festival well and truly pumping at Badger Weir when I arrived! There were four coaches, as well as a packed car park, and lots of Greek dancing and loud music! Now, I'm up for a party, but when you have a group of people coming for a barbecue lunch, this wasn't what I was expecting! And I'd rang Parks Vic to find out about bookings too!
Needless to say, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh! I managed to get one table with six concrete stools! How do we fit 20 people around this one table? Especially when many of the people will need a seat to sit on! And all the barbecues were in use, and there were no car parks left!
I have the most wonderful group of people at Healesville! Especially one couple - Gordon and Elaine - who happen to live just around the corner from the Weir. We made a quick change of plans, and went to their place for our barbecue lunch! I need to buy them a big bunch of flowers for Sunday! The day was saved!
Want some exciting news? There were FIVE people who attend the barbecue who are not part of Sunday services! They had been invited by Corps folk! There were some other family visitors too! things just a little different and we allowed for different people to connect with our faith community. Perhaps they were just coming to check out the new bloke!
So, apart from me finishing the day with a very painful headache (literally), all went well! Hopefully the people will be laughing about it next Sunday!
I'm moving house tomorrow, so need to get back to packing, but there's just a little insight into my second Sunday at Healesville.
Oh - I was driving home from Toolangi tonight and I saw and emu in a paddock! How cool - Aussie wildlife that you don't see every day in the wild!
Till next time, celebrate with all those you come across!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Grazer's "other" blog
That's right - I actually have two blogs online. This one, which is where I will share my stories, and then another one on Tublr - the address is
On this second blog I post quotes, links, pictures and other things of general interest to me. Sometimes they are funny, other times they are serious. Sometimes they are just to remind me!
So feel free to get a further insight into my world through checking out Tumblr!
On this second blog I post quotes, links, pictures and other things of general interest to me. Sometimes they are funny, other times they are serious. Sometimes they are just to remind me!
So feel free to get a further insight into my world through checking out Tumblr!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Make Change
I've been absent from the blogosphere this past week as I have been attending Make Change - a youth and young adults conference in Hamilton, New Zealand. YAY - I have now been overseas!!!
The conference was great - one workshop that I went to on community transformation was particularly good. More about that another time.
I survived my first Sunday at Healesville last weekend. I know I said I would blog about, but haven't had a chance yet. Will do I promise!
Tomorrow is my second Sunday - but we're not having a normal meeting - instead we are having a picnic. Jesus did so much ministry around why can't we!
I went and heard the Pasadena Tabernacle Youth Chorus tonight. I heard them all through the week at Make Change, and they came to Melbourne for a concert last night in the city, and tonight at Waverley. These guys are full of the joy of the Lord! Although a bit tired tonight, they did a great job and sang a few songs that I hadn't heard them sing yet which was great too.
Anyway, need to get up early to make salads and muffins for the picnic tomorrow!
The conference was great - one workshop that I went to on community transformation was particularly good. More about that another time.
I survived my first Sunday at Healesville last weekend. I know I said I would blog about, but haven't had a chance yet. Will do I promise!
Tomorrow is my second Sunday - but we're not having a normal meeting - instead we are having a picnic. Jesus did so much ministry around why can't we!
I went and heard the Pasadena Tabernacle Youth Chorus tonight. I heard them all through the week at Make Change, and they came to Melbourne for a concert last night in the city, and tonight at Waverley. These guys are full of the joy of the Lord! Although a bit tired tonight, they did a great job and sang a few songs that I hadn't heard them sing yet which was great too.
Anyway, need to get up early to make salads and muffins for the picnic tomorrow!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Out and About
Well, I've survived my first five days!
Today I spent a bit of time walking up and down the main street, popping into shops that looked interesting and saying hi to people. One favourite was Yarra Valley Pasta, which I will be revisiting when I get back from New Zealand.
I'm going to publisise my first goal! In light of my last post with the sign from the wall, I have a goal to make 113 connections in the community. Read my last post why I have chosen 113! I've made a few today and these past few days.
On reflecting on my reflections, I've noted the absence of God-stuff. God has definitely been with me these past few days. I'll share a bit more on Sunday after my first meeting! to write up my contacts!
Today I spent a bit of time walking up and down the main street, popping into shops that looked interesting and saying hi to people. One favourite was Yarra Valley Pasta, which I will be revisiting when I get back from New Zealand.
I'm going to publisise my first goal! In light of my last post with the sign from the wall, I have a goal to make 113 connections in the community. Read my last post why I have chosen 113! I've made a few today and these past few days.
On reflecting on my reflections, I've noted the absence of God-stuff. God has definitely been with me these past few days. I'll share a bit more on Sunday after my first meeting! to write up my contacts!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bring on 113

This is a sign on the wall in the hall at Healesville. I presume it related to OH&S/Fire Safety etc. I did find it somewhat amusing.
However - I say bring on 113, or even 114 (which is the street number of the hall too incidentally!).
My first goal for 2008 - to make 113 contacts within the community. Why 113 - because I want to show the hall that I can do more that it says I can!!! Made a few all ready - so must be up to around 10 after the first three days. Will have you keep you updated on the tally.
Monday, January 14, 2008
It starts
This is so going to be different to anything I have done before!!!
Today I put on the white shirt and epaulets for the first time this year and drove out to Healesville. As I drove into town I started to feel a bit sick in the stomach - like I really wanted to just turn around and hide away at home! However, I did make it to the Corps building and was ok after that!
A bit of a bitsy day today. Changed signatures on the bank account, went to my new house and got a key, visited our Care & Wear shop, had lunch at Healesville Harvest, then spent lots of time chatting with Pam back at the hall.
A couple of funny things happened though! One was when I was walking from the hall to the main street, and guy in a van asked me "Would you like a home theatre system in your house, I have an extra one from a job I was doing"!!!!!! So...Healesville quarters now has a massive home theatre, not really - I said "no thanks". Was very funny though, and did seem a bit dodge.
Only made one mistake today that I know of! I collected the mail, and there was a card for the Warcry delivery etc. So, I went into the post office and got the publications. Then, Pam and I were reading the brief in the office, and Pam got to the part that tells us that one of the Corps people collects the Warcry's from the post office, and they know just to give him them, then he stamps them and brings them on Sunday. So...Pam says I'd better give him a call! Not that much later the phone rings in the office and I answer it (another first!). It was the guy asking me whether I collected the publications!!! So, this afternoon I went for a drive to his house to drop them off. Won't be collecting them again anytime soon!
Tonight I went with a friend to one of the cafes in town - which is open until 10pm! YAY! We were told that we could take and pastries or bread from the shelves, as they throw them out at the end of the day. My brain started ticking...! So, I introduced myself and will try and build on this relationship to see whether we can use the bread and pastries as some point in the future. Sometimes they have heaps of garbage bags full. Already got one idea to keep in mind for down the track. I got a fruit sourdough so might have a piece for breakfast and write what it was like.
So, off to Beechworth Bakery tomorrow for the ladies coffee morning which happens every week! Need to get some sleep now after a first day that wasn't as bad as I thought it might have been.
Today I put on the white shirt and epaulets for the first time this year and drove out to Healesville. As I drove into town I started to feel a bit sick in the stomach - like I really wanted to just turn around and hide away at home! However, I did make it to the Corps building and was ok after that!
A bit of a bitsy day today. Changed signatures on the bank account, went to my new house and got a key, visited our Care & Wear shop, had lunch at Healesville Harvest, then spent lots of time chatting with Pam back at the hall.
A couple of funny things happened though! One was when I was walking from the hall to the main street, and guy in a van asked me "Would you like a home theatre system in your house, I have an extra one from a job I was doing"!!!!!! So...Healesville quarters now has a massive home theatre, not really - I said "no thanks". Was very funny though, and did seem a bit dodge.
Only made one mistake today that I know of! I collected the mail, and there was a card for the Warcry delivery etc. So, I went into the post office and got the publications. Then, Pam and I were reading the brief in the office, and Pam got to the part that tells us that one of the Corps people collects the Warcry's from the post office, and they know just to give him them, then he stamps them and brings them on Sunday. So...Pam says I'd better give him a call! Not that much later the phone rings in the office and I answer it (another first!). It was the guy asking me whether I collected the publications!!! So, this afternoon I went for a drive to his house to drop them off. Won't be collecting them again anytime soon!
Tonight I went with a friend to one of the cafes in town - which is open until 10pm! YAY! We were told that we could take and pastries or bread from the shelves, as they throw them out at the end of the day. My brain started ticking...! So, I introduced myself and will try and build on this relationship to see whether we can use the bread and pastries as some point in the future. Sometimes they have heaps of garbage bags full. Already got one idea to keep in mind for down the track. I got a fruit sourdough so might have a piece for breakfast and write what it was like.
So, off to Beechworth Bakery tomorrow for the ladies coffee morning which happens every week! Need to get some sleep now after a first day that wasn't as bad as I thought it might have been.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
'Twas the Night before Healesville & Being Faithful
Well, it's the night before I start at Healesville! Tomorrow I drive to the Corps and meet my co-worker and no doubt get stuck into something important!!!
So, what are my thoughts? Well, I'm feeling a bit nervous, and a don't really know what to expect. I caught up with some awesome friends tonight, and we were talking about what we'd be doing this week. I couldn't really answer!!! I'm meeting Pam tomorrow at the hall at 10:00 am, and apart from wanting to hopefully get a key to the house, walk down to see the shop volunteers, and see the Employment Plus workers, that's about it! I think I will rummage through the storerooms at the hall and see what's there! It's going to be a fairly light week I think. Have a meeting planned for Tuesday, and then not much else!
On Wednesday I am running the night activity for the Summer Camp, with 60 kids who are at risk in some form or another. I will probably end up doing some prep for that these next few days.
Today I had my last chance to go to another church's morning service,and went to Croydon Christian Church. I really enjoyed the experience! God did speak to me through the message - it was about faithfulness. I was challenged to remember that God is faithful, and as I start my next step I need to remember that God is faithful, has always been faithful, and will continue to be faithful! I also got some ideas of how to create a good first impression when people attend your church! This church is so outward focussed! They do paper days for people int he community, and regularly run paper sessions for people staying at the Salvos crisis accommodation centre. I was actually a bit ashamed that it's another church running these activities - not because they shouldn't be doing them, but because the Salvo churches in the area don't get involved. That's probably an idea for another time. Anyway, if I get a chance I would probably go back to this faith community.
Anyway, really should get some sleep! So, how has God been faithful in your life this week?
So, what are my thoughts? Well, I'm feeling a bit nervous, and a don't really know what to expect. I caught up with some awesome friends tonight, and we were talking about what we'd be doing this week. I couldn't really answer!!! I'm meeting Pam tomorrow at the hall at 10:00 am, and apart from wanting to hopefully get a key to the house, walk down to see the shop volunteers, and see the Employment Plus workers, that's about it! I think I will rummage through the storerooms at the hall and see what's there! It's going to be a fairly light week I think. Have a meeting planned for Tuesday, and then not much else!
On Wednesday I am running the night activity for the Summer Camp, with 60 kids who are at risk in some form or another. I will probably end up doing some prep for that these next few days.
Today I had my last chance to go to another church's morning service,and went to Croydon Christian Church. I really enjoyed the experience! God did speak to me through the message - it was about faithfulness. I was challenged to remember that God is faithful, and as I start my next step I need to remember that God is faithful, has always been faithful, and will continue to be faithful! I also got some ideas of how to create a good first impression when people attend your church! This church is so outward focussed! They do paper days for people int he community, and regularly run paper sessions for people staying at the Salvos crisis accommodation centre. I was actually a bit ashamed that it's another church running these activities - not because they shouldn't be doing them, but because the Salvo churches in the area don't get involved. That's probably an idea for another time. Anyway, if I get a chance I would probably go back to this faith community.
Anyway, really should get some sleep! So, how has God been faithful in your life this week?
Friday, January 11, 2008
Knowing is not enough; we must apply
I came across this quote in a magazine today. It's by Jonathan Wolfgang von Goethe. The full quote is as follows:
For the past few years, I've been trained, through my study at Tabor and my work experience at THQ and DHQ. Now, I am eager to apply in a new way.
I'm willing - I initiated the move to Healesville, and on Monday I begin 'doing'!
So, there's a bit more of an insight - from my good 'ol German friend Goethe. Bring back memories from high school German and excursions to the Goethe institute!
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
For the past few years, I've been trained, through my study at Tabor and my work experience at THQ and DHQ. Now, I am eager to apply in a new way.
I'm willing - I initiated the move to Healesville, and on Monday I begin 'doing'!
So, there's a bit more of an insight - from my good 'ol German friend Goethe. Bring back memories from high school German and excursions to the Goethe institute!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Day One
Well, I've survived my first day - but it wasn't really a normal day!
This evening I sat outside the hall in Healesville for a while - just looking, thinking and praying. There was one thing that stood out for me - the hall isn't illuminated at night in any way. On the opposite side of the street is a Toyota dealer (would have been handy if we still had Toyota's!!). The Toyota dealer is lit up as bright as can be. But then on the opposite side of the road there is a dark, closed up church.
Is this they way it should be?
We proclaim Jesus as the light of the world - yet I am not too sure that this is being reflected by the church buildings all the time. Now, I know it's only a little thing, and by no means the most important, but it is something that has caught my attention today so I'm noting it down. There was a floodlight above the Red Shield on the front wall that faces the street, but it's not turned on. Perhaps there's a reason for this, perhaps there isn't. None the less, it's something that I am going to look into.
Should our buildings reflect Jesus as a light and be a welcoming place to others?
This evening I sat outside the hall in Healesville for a while - just looking, thinking and praying. There was one thing that stood out for me - the hall isn't illuminated at night in any way. On the opposite side of the street is a Toyota dealer (would have been handy if we still had Toyota's!!). The Toyota dealer is lit up as bright as can be. But then on the opposite side of the road there is a dark, closed up church.
Is this they way it should be?
We proclaim Jesus as the light of the world - yet I am not too sure that this is being reflected by the church buildings all the time. Now, I know it's only a little thing, and by no means the most important, but it is something that has caught my attention today so I'm noting it down. There was a floodlight above the Red Shield on the front wall that faces the street, but it's not turned on. Perhaps there's a reason for this, perhaps there isn't. None the less, it's something that I am going to look into.
Should our buildings reflect Jesus as a light and be a welcoming place to others?
Monday, January 7, 2008
Junky Car Club

Read about this initiative in Relevant magazine this morning - it's called the Junky Car Club (
The Junky Car Club is a community of people who are happy drivers that are politely rebelling against consumerism. They think life is a lot better when you spend your dough on others and not on some pimped out ride!
This is a cool initiative - and Junky Car Club members sponsor children through Compassion.
Now, I am ineligible to join this club thanks to my current wheels. However, it's got me thinking, what if I decided to go back to having my own car - something like my old Corolla would certainly use a lot less petrol - it cost me $100 to fill up the tank the other day, and that usually only lasts me a week or 8 days at the most. I either need to change my driving habits, or drive less.
In fact, my house in Healesville is only a very short distance from the Corps, which is only a short distance from the centre of town. So, here's to 2008 where I drive less and walk more. Perhaps I could start a 'Junky Walking Club'.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
A bit about Healesville
So here's a bit of what I know about Healesville all ready. I am sure that some of my understandings will change as I get to know the community and its people.
Healesville is 60km from Melbourne (only 60km Richard...) , and is part of the Shire of Yarra Ranges (Melbourne's largest local council area).
There are about 6500 people who live in Healesville, and the town was established in 1864. It is named after Richard Heales, the Premier of Victoria from 1860-1861. Healesville Primary School, one of three in Healesville, is 125 years old!
The Salvos have been in Healesville since 1909, as an outpost of Hawthorn Corps. This photo is from 1940. The date referred to as the commencement of the Corps is 1916, and the Corps celebrated their 90th anniversary in 2006, and as of 1 January 2008 they are 92 years old! What a great heritage of work in the area! I need to get full copies of Warcry articles from the time, as well as look through the Corps history book. All things to learn!
Healesville is 60km from Melbourne (only 60km Richard...) , and is part of the Shire of Yarra Ranges (Melbourne's largest local council area).
There are about 6500 people who live in Healesville, and the town was established in 1864. It is named after Richard Heales, the Premier of Victoria from 1860-1861. Healesville Primary School, one of three in Healesville, is 125 years old!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
A new challenge in 2008!
I am about to start something that I have never done before, and I am not without hesitation!!! In just under two weeks I start at Healesville Salvos at the Corps Officer - how did that happen! Well, that's perhaps the subject of another blog post. I am excited as well as scared. My focus will be on commencing new children and youth ministry initiatives, and serving the community of 7000 people. I want to work with all of the Salvos's service providers in the area, including Employment Plus, EastCare, and of course the Corps "Care & Wear" shop and the people of the Corps. So, am I crazy - a little! But there is one thing I know - without God's help there is no way I can do this! It's a bit of a test for me learning to rely on God.
So why blog again? Well, it's basically to have a spot where I can write down my experiences and thoughts, providing a bit of processing space for me. It also means that others can hear what I am up to, but I am mainly doing this for me as a record of my journey in Healesville. I hope to update fairly regularly, as different things occur and I meet new people and experience new things.
On another note, completely different, I went to the outdoor cinema at Belgrave Cameo last night and saw The Darjeeling Limited. It is quite a quirky movie! It stars Owen Wilson - and I didn't see Ben Stiller in it anywhere! It's definitely an art house movie - which kind of suited the surroundings. We watched the movie on deck chairs on the lawn! I recommend this cinema experience to everyone!
Well, that's all for this first official post!
So why blog again? Well, it's basically to have a spot where I can write down my experiences and thoughts, providing a bit of processing space for me. It also means that others can hear what I am up to, but I am mainly doing this for me as a record of my journey in Healesville. I hope to update fairly regularly, as different things occur and I meet new people and experience new things.

Well, that's all for this first official post!
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