Pandemonium...that's what happens!!!
Life in the 'ville continues to be full of new things, and this morning we held our first women's breakfast. For a small country church, having over 50 women (double our average Sunday attendance!) attend our first breakfast for the girls has been most exciting!

Our guest speaker this morning was Major Margaret Cochrane, sharing about her work with the Melbourne Children's Court. The morning was a resounding success, with many people who do not attend a church in town coming. I heard the story of one lady who was helped by the Salvos in Darwin during Cyclone Tracey, and then more recently she was helped through Employment Plus. The Salvos played an important part in her life, so she was keen to come to our breakfast! This is just one story from this morning, as we connected with our community.
A few photos from this morning are on the group page on Facebook.
Our high school breakfast program continues to reach over 50 students each week. We only have one left for the year, and plans are underway to continue in the new school year. This initaitive recently featured on the Eastern Victoria Division Community Care DVD.
Our high school breakfast program continues to reach over 50 students each week. We only have one left for the year, and plans are underway to continue in the new school year. This initaitive recently featured on the Eastern Victoria Division Community Care DVD.
Please, continue to pray for The Salvation Army Healesville and that the community may be changed by God.
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