Saturday, November 15, 2008
Church marketing
This video is definitely worth sitting and watching.
If anyone has some time to chat about effectively 'marketing' church, let me know, I need to discuss!
Christmas has come to Healesville!

What happens when over 50 women invade Healesville Salvos...?

Our high school breakfast program continues to reach over 50 students each week. We only have one left for the year, and plans are underway to continue in the new school year. This initaitive recently featured on the Eastern Victoria Division Community Care DVD.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mirror mirror
Shrek, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were all having lunch together.
Shrek said, 'I have always thought that I'm the strongest man in the world, but how can I be sure?'
Angelina Jolie agreed. 'I'm told I'm the most gorgeous of them all, but sometimes I wonder.'
Brad Pitt said, 'I'm pretty sure I'm the sexiest man alive but I've never had it confirmed.'
They all decided that the best way to find out if their beliefs were true was to ask the famed talking 'mirror, mirror on the wall' to confirm for them whether Shrek was the strongest, Angelina Jolie was the most gorgeous and Brad Pitt was the sexiest.
They agreed to meet again the next day for lunch to discuss their findings.
The next day Shrek walked up with a smile. 'Well, it's true. The mirror told me that I am the strongest man in the world.'
Angelina Jolie perked up and said: 'And I know for sure that I'm the most gorgeous person alive.'
But Brad Pitt lifted his sad, sexy face and said.
'Who the hell is Graeme Mawson???'
(Thanks to Scottie for emailing me this one...of course I had to change that last name...!)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
And they’re off and running…
I know spring is well and truly in the air – not just from my hay fever!
Yesterday I went for a stroll down Nicholson Street (that's Maroondah Highway for the non-locals!). There was a great vibe, with people everywhere, the sun shining, the smell of coffee wafting out of the cafes, and the sound of the races!
The Healesville race course isn't that far from my house, and yesterday I could hear the loud speakers. Apparently it was packed, with lots of marquees and people enjoying the day.
Tomorrow our shop volunteers are getting dressed up with fancy clothes that have come into the shop, then all going out for coffee. I'm going to join them too. Last year they dressed down, but this year they decided to dress up! Will see how it goes. Must remember to take a photo. It's funny, 'cause when you walk past the shop window they have got into the spring fashions, with dresses and shoes filling the window. It's good, 'cause when stuff is put in the window it sells!!!
Got me thinking…with Healesville racecourse, the Yarra Valley Racing Centre (Yarra Glen), the greyhound track, lots and lots of wineries…are the Salvos in the right place?!? Seriously though, how do we connect with the community in a relevant way? And I'm not just thinking collecting at the races…although that could always help! Any ideas welcome!