Monday, October 27, 2008
My new nephew

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Joey Scouts
It was great hearing each of the kids share about their toys, why they were special for them, and how much they loved them. One boy even had a photo taken with the toy, and attached it to the toy dog's neck. That way the new recipient of the toy will know who it is from!
The Joey Scouts did a great job - thanks heaps for the toys! They will be given to children who need them.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I collated a list of all the contacts we have made through the school holiday programs today. We have connected with 44 families, which comes to 59 kids!!! These families were not connected to us before we ran our two school holiday programs. We're planning on starting a kids club, called Kidzone, in the near future - if you want to help out let me know!
Children are so important. It's been good to have grandchildren come to church with their grandparents during the year. Its fun (most weeks) going to the primary school and teaching Christian Education. One way that Healesville Salvos can stay relevant in this community is to connect with children and their families.
Speaking of children...I'm still waiting to become an uncle - any day now!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
News wrap
- A women in Badger Creek awoke to find a man standing beside her bed - at 4am in the morning! This is freaky - waking up at 4 am to see a man wearing a black t-shirt and a beanie. This women needs our prayers at this time. (Mail, 7 Oct, page 1)
- Three business in the main street had their windows broken on Friday morning and Saturday morning last week. (Mail, 7 Oct, page 3)
- Healesville's RecLink Rocky Road Choir made its first public appearance last week at Dinner at Darron's. A number of people from the Corps are involved. (Mail, 7 Oct, page 6)
- The Shire Mayor, Cr Tim Heenan, is spending the week sleeping it rough in Melba Park, Lilydale, to raise awareness of homelessness. (Mail, 9 Oct, page 9)
- A new cafe has opened in Healesville - next door to our Care 'n' Wear shop! (Mail 7 Oct, page 29)
CWA Nite Chicks
The Healesville Nite Chicks supported our 'Power Lab' school holiday program, so the least I could do was help cook the barbecue!
It's on days like today that you see the best of the community - different groups working together, saying hello to people you know as they wander down the street.
But alas, I didn't pick up a chick...maybe next time!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Healesville Chamber of Commerce & Industry
I asked those present what they knew about the Salvos, then shared a sentence summary of our history, as well as a bit more information about Healesville Salvos' history. In prep I was doing some riffling through our filing cabinet, and I found a copy of the deed to our land, from 1921, with James Hay's signature on it! It has the land on the corner of Harker St & Castella St. Now...Castella St doesn't exist now - it's known as Maroondah Highway! It's also interesting to note that 'Nicholson Street' is actually the local name for Maroondah Highway as it passes through town. There's a new push for businesses to use Nicholson instead of Maroondah Highway, recreating ownership of the town. Anyway, I digress...
Thank you to Joanne Tate, President, for the invite to share tonight - it was good! And let me also say that the plate of food was amazing! Again, the local produce makes life tough here!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Celebrating 3rd birthdays...

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Café Church with Mooroolbark Songsters
This morning was Café Church, with special guests Mooroolbark Songsters. It was so good to have 47 people in the building, cramming around the café tables enjoying food, drinks and each other's company. Brian Hogg put together an excellent collection of songs, with time spent reflecting on some bible passages and exploring what they mean to us. It was good to have someone walk in off the street and stay for church!
It has been an absolutely beautiful day here in the 'ville! Spent a long lunch with friends, followed by a fresh icecream and listening to a band play at Beechworth Bakery's second birthday. Again…another 'hard' day in Healesville! This week will be busy, with regular activities returning, including mainly music, CRE, breakfast program at the high school, and my study. I have an assignment due this week, so will be deep in study. Should be fun.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Volunteer with us!!!
Visit www.salvationarmy.org.au/volunteer and check out the opportunities. Perhaps there is someone you know who could help us out.
The Salvos have a good volunteer management system, and after entering all our volunteers into the system, we can now keep track of them much easier.
News wrap
- Hoons from the Yarra Ranges could have their speeding footage released on YouTube by the police! Interesting concept, not too sure how it would help though - don't most people laugh at YouTube clips - especially 'Beached bro'! (Leader, 29 Sept, page 1).
- 400 shire residents are in court because of rate defaulting. The shire has one of the highest number of rate defaulters appearing in court across Melbourne. This number is down from 534 the previous year. However, as there are 143,000 people in the shire, this is not one of the worst rates (compared with residents). (Leader, 29 Sept, page 11)
- A vibrant paiting painted by young people at the Shire's Winter Sleepout was presented to Anchor Community Care. I went to this sleepout....24 hours without sleep makes me very tired! (Mail, 30 Sept, page 5)
- The Beechworth Bakery Healesville is turning 2! And to celebrate you can buy on beesting and get a second one for 5c!!! Might have to go check it out tomorrow...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It was a fantastic night on Sunday. With the usual AGM business over, we heard from Major David Eldridge, who shared openly and passionately about why we help the disadvantaged.
It was great to have the contemporary band from Mooroolbark come and add to the night. We received lots of positive feedback about the 'choir' (does a choir have more than three people!).
So, after what was a crazy week last week, it was good to have Sunday night go so well.
This week is a bit more quiet...so keeping a low profile and getting some cleaning up done! I'm also working in the shop this week, as our manager is on holidays. This is good, because it's giving me a different perspective on how the shop works.
Off to catch up with friends who are attending ACC tomorrow. Will be great to see them again.